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Film Productions

In an industry that’s increasingly high-tech and high-risk, film producers need an insurance company that genuinely understands their business. From documentaries to feature films, commercials to television and other entertainment productions, Chubb is familiar with every facet of the film industry.

Theatrical Productions

Injury to performers, along with property damage and cancellation of performances, can spell disaster for theatrical productions. Chubb knows the dangers, so we’ve created insurance programs that offer broad protection.

Entertainers & Performers

Chubb understands the entertainment industry and the unique perils that entertainers face. We offer innovative insurance solutions that provide specialized property and liability protection for individual artists, performers and groups - even if the entertainer happens to be an animal.

Entertainment Services

Entertainment service providers count on Chubb for property and business income insurance for their buildings, lighting and sound equipment, props, wardrobes, and more. Chubb also has the knowledge to meet the liability insurance needs of these complex technical and support services.

Know Your Risks When Filming Abroad

Get details on some of the key risks facing today's global film productions and how to manage them in our advisory, "Foreign Productions and Tours Add Risk for Filmmakers and Artists.”